I have a confession.
I have a box.
Not just any box, but a
"memory box"
In this memory box, I like to put things that have at some point in my life meant something to me.
Well, I was looking through my box (actually, I have more than one) and was surprised at how much actual stuff I had in there.
Corsage and Fancy straw from Prom |
Lifeguard whistles from Seven Peaks |
My Alphabet Book from Kindergarten when I was learning to write |
Rubber bands from when I had braces |
Script to our 5th grade performance of "A Christmas Carol" |
Memorial Day Performance Poppies |
Almost every program from every Band concert at Timpview |
Graduation Programs from 6th and 12th grade |
My First Personal Progress book |
Pamphlets, tickets and letters from PHP II |
Itinerary's from Band Tours... |
EVERY single copy of the Thunderbolt from the years I was at Timpview |
Tickets from many movie outings, one of which from my first date
And MANY Other things
What I learned from all these things in my box is that the things that you do, make you what you are.
For me, I'm a Music playing-lifeguarding-newspaper reading- band trip goer-brace face- graduate AND I'm a Mormon :)
So, make your memories while you're young so you have crazy stories to tell your kids and theirs in the future when you're old and wrinkly.
What if you lose your memories before you have the chance to tell your children? Top 10 greatest fears.
Then that's what journal entries are for :) to write down the memories as they come and then have a physical item that has to do with that memory.