School Friends

This good looking guy is Thomas Chase Acheson. Chase and I have known each other since 1st grade and have been great friends since. If you know Chase, then you know that he will one day be the President of the United States and he will be great. Chase is one of those friends that I'm glad to have around since he's such a great person. Good Luck Mr. President. Don't forget me when you're in the White House!
This pimpin' guy I first got to know by the name of "Lil' D" in 7th grade, but he's not so little anymore. Daniel Thurston will always be Danny to me and I don't think anything will change that. Danny is an amazing guy and is not afraid to speak his mind. We can spend hours on end quoting Nacho Libre and never get sick of it, not that it's a problem or anything. Danny is one of the chillest guys around and knows how to have a good laugh about practically anything ("Te persiguen." "Te esta mirando.") So many inside jokes with this guy, but despite all that, so glad to have him as a friend.
This little karate chopping dude is James Anderton. I met James in 8th grade and am so glad that I did. We had a blast in our 8th grade year, but stopped going to the same school after that. Despite not attending the same school for four years, we kept in contact and now get to go to college together. James will one day be a famous electronica music artist and I'm proud to say that I got to know him when he was first starting out his masterpieces. James is an incredible friend and anyone that knows him can agree.
All of my other friends from school, I didn't forget about you. There's just too many of you, but I still love you all!
Swim Team
This is Drew Prestwich. Drew and I were both on the swim team, except on opposing teams. Because of the lack of a pool, Timpview and Provo swim team practiced together at Provo. We went through almost our whole first year of swimming without talking to each other and then finally broke the ice at the last competition of the year and became good friends. Over the years, Drew became an incredible water polo player and still is. Thanks to Drew, I got rid of my whole "I go to Timpview, you go to Provo. Our schools are rivals. We can't be friends" phase of life and I'm so glad I did.
This funny girl is Mckenzie Johnson. The friendliest, sweetest girl you'll probably ever meet. Kenzie transferred from Maple Mountain High school her Junior year and I'm so glad she came to Timpview. Kenzie is someone who will always listen to you and cheer you up when you're having a rough day, not to mention make you laugh all the time ("Is this your niece or something?""This is my daughter" "Oh!") ;) Love you Kenzie!
Band (I have to use only one picture since there's so many)
The beautiful girl on the far left is Chrissy Tidwell. One of the happiest and sweetest girls I've had the privilege of knowing. Chrissy will always make you smile and get warm fuzzies when you're with her. Now that's special if you ask me. She is amazing and always has a contagious smile on her face that will spread to everyone that knows her. I love you Chrissy!
This colorguard beauty is Diane Donaldson, one of the funniest girls ever! She can pull off GloZell any day and make you smile for the simplest reasons. She doesn't dye her hair with Kool-Aid and she always stays on her side while driving (If you've seen GloZell, you'll know what I'm talking about). Don't forget your lil' lip balm when your crusty crust lips are begging for attention ;) Love you Diane!
This smiling guy is none other than Caleb Arnold, one of the most amazing guys you'll ever meet. Caleb is one of those friends that you always want to have around and know you can talk to them about practically anything. He's a gentleman and is an amazing saxophone player as well. So glad that I have the privilege of having him as my friend.
This is one my Clarinet son, Taylor Hill. Taylor never fails to make you laugh. Or feel awkward. Just kidding ;) Taylor is an awesome guy and always manages to make me laugh. Whether it's him being himself or being a prankster, he's a momma's boy ;)
This tall giant (well, compared to me) is Eli Miller, my second clarinet son. One day he is going to work for Disney and will be an amazing animator and make amazing Pixar movies. He is a super sweet guy and a really good friend. If you ever need someone to lean on, Eli is your man :)
These three girls are my Clarinet daughters and they are the best ones on the planet. Can't you tell we're all related? I wish I hadn't graduated yet so I'd be able to spend more time with all of them, but since I'm old, I'll just visit them any time I can.
This is my eldest, Alicia Johnson. Alicia came to the Timpview band before coming to Timpview and I'm so glad she did. We got to travel to Hawaii together and had a blast! She loves Iron Man and Robert Downing Jr. and if I could, I'd buy him for her ;) She knows how to party and is an incredible friend. She never fails to make me laugh and is the only person with a uni-skele-phant named Gus.
The gorgeous girl on the left is my middle child, Maddy Cox. Maddy came to me as a freshman in my section and we partied it up in Vegas with Monty Python. She LOVES Captain America like none other, which is not a bad thing. AND she also likes Harry Potter. Definite brownie points for that. She has a contagious laugh and I always manage to catch it. She's an amazing friend and I'm proud to be her mummy.
My youngest is Emily Fallon, and she's only one day younger than Maddy. Emily is one of the biggest sweethearts I've ever known and she never fails to brighten my day. Emily's favorite Avenger is Thor, and she has the luscious locks to pull it off too ;) Emily is super energetic and like Maddy and Alicia, always makes me smile and laugh.
I love these girls so much and I'm so glad I'm their mummy.
All the rest of my band and colorguard friends, I haven't forgotten you. I love you all :)
Seven Peaks
These gorgeous twins are Cindy and Karen Call. One of the funnest pairs of twins I've ever met. No matter what I'm doing or where I am, their laugh makes me crack up. We've had lots of fun times together and I miss hanging out with them (this is your hint for "we need to hang out soon")
And now I've saved the best for last
This beautiful girl is my best friend, Kynia Carter. Kynia is the type of friend that everyone needs to have in their life. She listens to you when you have a problem and will help you out however she can, she comforts you when you need to be comforted and she's there for you, no matter what. Kynia is an amazing individual and is only getting more amazing as time passes. She came to me in my time of need and thanks to that, I got to have my first real best friend. Kynia is always friendly, always loving and always caring, and because of that, people love her for it. She's taught me so many things about being a better me and I've been able to pass that on to my other friends.
Now, I might not have mentioned you by name in this blog post, but I do care about you. That's why you're my friend. I decided to do this post because I have many people to thank for being there for me and being my friend. You made me who I am. So what I'm trying to say in all of this is
Thank You Friends